7 dni a 7 noci ("7 Days and 7 Nights") is an erotic Czech adventure. You walk around town talking to people, picking up objects, and solving puzzles. The game is inspired and very similar to Sierra classic Leisure Suit Larry.
The story revolves around Venca Záhyb (Wenzel Ziegler in German, and Waszek Fałda in Polish) who one day receives a special job order from well-known millionaire Jonathan Smiht (parody for surname Smith). His orders: to protect his seven daughters from potential suitors. However, after a night spent in a pub with one Fanda Kořen who bets him one "lubr" that he can not claim all seven for himself, Venca's duties take on a whole new meaning.
He has one day with each daughter in which to win her heart. However, each woman will pose a unique challenge for Venca to overcome.