7 Zwerge: Das Brettspiel

Release date: 01 Oct 2004
ArcadeCard & Board Game
The license for this game was acquired from a German blockbuster comedy of the same title, picking up the Snow White and the Seven Dwarves fairy tale theme.This arcade game features the seven dwarves' supposedly favourite pastime: the "board game" - the player takes over the part of the dwarf Bubi who is equipped with a wooden board. He has to hit as many dwarves as he can during the different game stages in order to obtain points. The hit dwarf loses points and falls down unless he shouts "Check!" right after he has been hit. The same holds true for the player, of course. There is also a doppelkopf (German card game) version of the board game where the player is equipped with two boards. In the beginning of the game, the player plays only against one dwarf, but with every new round another dwarf joins the game until all seven are participating. In addition to the dwarves, mean knights, sneaky hunters and court jesters telling bad jokes join the game. Who has collected the highest score after the time has run out, wins the respective round.