
Release date: 31 Dec 1997
Platforms: Philips CD-i
Accelerator, an addictive car racing game by The Vision Factory, 1997. Accelerator had the most protracted development cycle of any CD-i game. It was initially written by a student Ben Sugden on a working vacation to SPC Vision. He designed the core concept of the game but left it in an unfinished state when his vacation was out. The game was developed on and off by various SPC staff until finally during the summer of 1994 a testing version was sent to PIMC. This came back with numerous bugs which remained unfixed until Michael Hildenborg was contracted to produce a fixed version which was completed towards the end of 1995. The game was sent to PIMC and returned again with new bugs, since there was no publisher and no great hurry Accelerator was shelved for more than a year. Finally the game was finished and released in 1997 by SPC Vision.