Age of Empires II Mobile

Developed by In-Fusio
Release date: 01 Jul 2005
Point-and-clickReal Time Strategy (RTS)Strategy
Age of Empires II Mobile
Developer: In-Fusio
Themes: Historical
Player perspective: Bird view / IsometricText
Game modes: Single player
In 2005 a mobile version of Age of Empires II was released for Java mobile devices (J2ME), called Age of Empires II Mobile and developed by In-Fusio. It featured much simplified gameplay and graphics, designed for the mobile devices of the time. The mobile game features similar gameplay to the PC version, albeit on a smaller scale. Three modes are available: a tutorial, a campaign split into three campaigns of seven scenarios each, and random map. Villagers gather food, wood, gold, and stone as resources, and military units can be trained. The player must progress through four different Ages: Dark Age, Feudal Age, Castle Age, and Imperial Age. Age of Empires II Mobile Deluxe Edition was released in 2006. It adds two new civilizations: Persians and Japanese.