LOOKING a little like the old favourite Spy Hunter -though with only a trace of the playability - and a lot like an ancient hand-held game called Champion Racer, this dodge-'em-and-shoot-'em is very colourful, but a little slow.
You must qualify as number one driver in the 007 spy school's driving test with a difference. You are equipped with a car possessing the ability to fly over short distances and fitted with firepower.
You can play alone or in a genuine two-player mode. The packaging announces that the course is tough and one which you can only survive if you are brave and resourceful - and how true this is.
Your car is seen from above and moves along a roadway which scrolls from top to bottom of the screen. As you barrel down the blacktop the opposition moves in for the kill mounted on bikes or piloting anything from little yellow taxi cabs to Sherman tanks.
Initially you have about a dozen bullets and it appears that these are only effective at short range. Quite unsportingly. some of your opponents seem to be immune to your attack and keep on coming regardless of what you throw at them.
Your fuel level steadily goes down, all the more so when you take off to avoid enemy vehides. Not only that, but with bullets in limited supply you need to rearm and refuel at regular intervals. Indicators showing fuel level, bullets remaining, jumps left and damage are at the bottom of the screen.
At several places you must make a choice of directions, one of which will usually result in a dead end. Experience teaches you to make the correct decision ,and often you can jump over to the right track if you're quick.
One annoying feature is that everything slows down drastically when a lot is happening. That apart, and considering the price. Boy Racer isn't at all bad, with good graphics and nice explosions.