Like a lightning bolt falling from the heavens, Napoleon Bonaparte's Army of the Reserve descended out of the Alps upon the plains of Piedmont in late May of 1800 and into the annals of glory. What followed was a blitzkrieg campaign that caught the Austrians completely by surprise. The French army rolled on to the east to take Milan and then turn south and west to fight the Austrian army at Piacenza, Casteggio and then Marengo, the final battle of the campaign. Bonaparte's fame was secure and by 1804 he would be crowned the Emperor of France.
Campaign Marengo covers the battles and campaigns in Northern Italy from 1795 through 1800 and allows the players to refight the famous battles of these campaigns. Three campaign files cover the major campaigns while three shorter ones cover the various operations in 1796 to resupply Mantua and defeat Bonaparte and the French in battle.
Relive the days of Suvorov's Russian army marching onto the fields of battle alongside their Austrian allies. As the commander of the French army in 1796, lead your men on to victory on the fields of Castiglione, Rivoli, Arcole and the other battles around Verona. As Massena, lead the French to victory at Loano in 1795. Campaign Marengo offers all this and more!