Cassette Five

Release date: 31 Dec 1983
Cassette Five
Platforms: Sinclair ZX81
A collection of 8 games for the ZX81 with 16K memory expansion module. Planetoids A clone of the Arcade classic Asteroids. Breakout A clone of the Arcade classic Breakout. Space Rescue You have to rescue 6 astronauts on the ground by steering a dropship through an asteroid field towards landing platforms. After landing and picking up one astronout you have to fly up through a field of enemy ships and dock with the mother ship. Draughts Play draughts against a computer opponent. Byte-man A Pac-man clone with three different mazes to complete. Dodgems Like pac-man you must eat all the dots. Dodgems is however made up of lanes (from outside to inside) and you can switch lane on the left, right, top or down side of the screen while always moving forward. Blitz You fly over a city and you have to bomb the building to clear a path for landing. You can go up and down and drop bomb. Buildings are rebuild and get higher as time progresses, make sure not to crash into one. Merchant You are a sea trader sailing from city to city buing and selling items. While sailing from one city to another you can encounter danger which make you loose cargo. You can buy more ships. The goals is to reach a capital of 1000000 florins.