Cassette Four

Release date: 31 Dec 1982
Cassette Four
Platforms: Sinclair ZX81
A collection of 8 games for the Sinclair ZX81 with an a 16K memory expansion module. Invaders A Space Invaders clone with an extra shield that can be activated for a brief moment in time. Life A simulation of cell growth. The player can set a patern and see if/how it grows. 3D Tick-Tac-Toe A 3D Tic-Tac-Toe game. The aim is to make a straight line of 4 dots. You play against the computer. Galaxy Invaders A shoot em up where the player is at the bottom trying to shoot alien crafts moving around the screen. Gun Fight An Outlaw clone. You try to shoot a cowboy on the other side of the screen and you can take cover behind a carriage. ZX Scramble A Scramble clone where the player flies through a tunnel from left to right which bombing installations on the gound. Snakebite A Snake clone. Fungaloids The player flies at the top of the screen bombing funguses growing into the air. When a funcgus is destroid it can throw spores into the air which must be dodges. Be aware not to bomb installations on the ground. Fuel can be collected at the side of the screen.