Cid and Chocobo's Mysterious Dungeon: Labyrinth of Forgotten Time DS+

Release date: 30 Nov 2008
Role-playing (RPG)Adventure
Cid and Chocobo's Mysterious Dungeon: Labyrinth of Forgotten Time DS+
Platforms: Nintendo DS
While searching for the fabled Timeless Power gem to power his Airship, Cid and his partner Chocobo ended up being sucked into a vortex and end up in the quaint town of Lostime within the island of Memoria, which disappeared from the rest of the world fifty years ago. In the center of Lostime is a clock tower which rings the Bell of Oblivion that makes everyone lose their memories. Along with his new friend Shirma and a mysterious boy named Raffaello who is able to create a labyrinth of memories, Chocobo has to recover the lost memories of Lostime's residents. However, these actions reveal the mystery behind Raffaello and the calamity that began the trouble. The DS port features a new storyline centering on Cid, as well as new jobs for characters to learn.