DanceDanceRevolution (2014 arcade game) also known as DanceDanceRevolution 2014 and DDR2014 is an updated version of DDR 2013 which is released in Japan at May 12, 2014 while in Asia and Korea was released in July 22, 2014.
The interface was upgraded using the color scheme of DanceDanceRevolution (2013 arcade game) as its base, and a new layout which resembles the GuitarFreaks & DrumMania XG series' interface. The song select screen and result screen were completely revamped by adding useable window panes for each user. Each information pane is accessible using its corresponding number on the numeric keypad:
- The 1 button opens the difficulty and personal best score tab.
- The 2 button opens the GROOVE RADAR tab which include numbers stats for the first time since DDRMAX -DanceDanceRevolution 6thMIX-.
- The 3 button opens the rivals and target score tab.
- The 4 button opens an additional information tab. Usually, this tab is not available and only appears during select events such as EXTRA ATTACK and Yuniver Hills project.
- A new unlocking system, EXTRA ATTACK, available only during EXTRA STAGE was added.
- EXTRA STAGE is now limited to Premium Play. In Japan, Premium Play is PASELI-only.
- Playing with LIFE4 or RISKY gives you a Result Star whether you pass or not, whiis not available and only appears during select events such as EXTRA ATTACK and Yuniver Hills gives you easier access to the EXTRA STAGE.
- Easier access to the EXTRA STAGE can also be obtained when playing VERSUS with both players using Premium Play.
- Additional play options were added as exclusive to Premium Play:
-- .25x interval speed modifiers were added, though only up to 2.25x. The limit was increased to 3.75x on a later update.
- LIFE4 lifebar modifier added, which gives you 4 lives before the song is over.
- DanceEvolution ARCADE, SOUND VOLTEX and ミライダガッキ FutureTomTom folders were added when sorting by BEMANI series.
- A total of 22 songs released during DanceDanceRevolution (2013) from December 19th, 2013 to February 25th, 2014 were retrospectively moved to the DanceDanceRevolution (2014) folder.
- Included are the 14 songs from Nettou! BEMANI Stadium (熱闘!BEMANIスタジアム), the 5 songs from TAG生誕祭 event along with Dispersion Star, 星屑のキロク and 回レ!雪月花.
- ever snow's and Sacred Oath's jackets were changed to remove NAOKI and jun from them, due to their departure from KONAMI in 2013.
- All of the system music have been slightly re-arranged from their 2013 versions; now they sound closer to the game's theme song Another Phase.
- The EDIT data link function was revived on June 6th, 2014.
BPM sort was absent until June 23rd, 2014.