The action takes place two months after the events of "Ever17 ~the out of Infinity~".
Takeshi's returned to it's normal, peaceful course. In a quiet and measured life burst hot summer, however, is not bringing anything new in it.
However, this daily routine collapsed after a strange incident. It all started with the fact that in a nearby street, was found dead of a woman with signs of violent death. The air at the scene soaked unusual smell of rot ... from the decaying corpse. In the chest - a huge hole, and internal organs turned out. Strange murder suddenly roused harmonious life of the city. This event has attracted the attention of Sara, and she decided to conduct their own investigation. "Why do not we organize a duet !?." This is the phrase Sara identified developments. So, the duo Ninja-Detective got its birth. In the process of searching for them will be new facts of this mysterious case, and then the secret will be revealed. What unites this event from the past and present heroes? ... It was a period of time, slightly changed the course of the boring summer vacation.