The beautiful vistas of farmlands, forests, mountains and deserts that greet you upon your arrival on Faland does little to calm your nerves about how you arrived at this strange land. Considering how dangerous it is with all the demons, monsters, wild animals and renegades running around you know you have only one thing you must do. Get back home.
The farm settlement of Or'gn is where your journey home begins. You and up to three players take turns trying to reach home while scoring as many points as possible. Since the journey is dangerous you may die but you will have multiple chances to continue your quest at a cost of demerit points. You must examine many items, talk to the inhabitants and solve side-quests. Arm yourself well and do battle with the enemies lying in wait. Earn ralls, the currency of choice around these parts, by finding treasure or trading commodities with shopkeepers. Raise your status high enough and you just may find your way back home.
Utilizing a rich back story FallThru is a interactive-text role playing game played in turns or alone. The player can communicate, trade and earn money in the ultimate goal of leveling their character up enough to finish the quest. The player may save their game at any point to continue later or to pass the game to another player. Dying will cost points but allows players to pick up where they last saved.