Fix-It Felix Jr.

Release date: 21 Sep 2011
A fictional quarter-muncher created for the Walt Disney animated movie "Wreck-It Ralph", in which the thick-headed thug Wreck-It Ralph tries to destroy a building while the daring do-gooder Fix-It Felix repairs the damage with his magic hammer. In the film, the characters play the role as actors, and Ralph is actually a chipper, nice guy inside the machine -- it's just his job to be a heartless demolisher so that Felix can save the day. But countless games where Ralph has played the villain has taken its toll, and after becoming the outcast of his mostly-wrecked town, Ralph is ready to look for more out of his pixelated life. During the promotional campaign for the movie, multiple defictionalised versions of the game were released by Disney for Ralph fans to play, including arcade machines at trade shows. The game replicates vintage gaming aesthetics, but was not designed with original hardware limitaitons in mind, thus all releases of the game run off of Flash.