A very interesting game to play with your friends. All you have to do is fool your friends by being creative.
The game play is pretty simple and goes like this. Suppose there are n number of players playing...
1) All n players would be given a rare question and it very unlikely someone knows the answer. Everyone has to write a fake answer which should look convincing to others when the time comes.
2) When everyone has submitted their answer in the next screen you will get all the answers submitted by everyone and the right answer(n+1 answers) but nobody know which answer is correct. Everyone has to select the answer they think is the correct answer.
3) Once everyone has selected the answer in the next screen it shows you who fooled you, how many people you have fooled etc.
4) You get 2 points for selecting the correct answer and 1 point for fooling each person. And the scoreboard goes on.
The fun part is all the politics happen when everyone try to promote their answer by conversation. And the best feel you get when you fool everyone around you.
Good Features:
1) Facebook integration: It is very easy to invite people in the game as it has store all the friends who are playing the game.
2) Chat: Game has a pretty smooth chat feature if you are playing from different different locations.
3) Game Notifications: Whenever one of my friend start playing i get a notification with the name who is playing. It gives me the decision ability to play right at the moment since i know who is playing. And the notification takes me directly to the game.
Things i would love to see:
1) Voice: If somehow it was possible to do conversation using voice instead of chat it would be so great.
Game Link: https://foolio.app.link