Games 1 is a collection of six games and programs which contains:
Orbit: You control a ship orbiting a star and the further you are the slower you circle it. Also on screen is a piece of cargo orbiting the same star and you must adjust the speed of your craft by moving inwards and outwards to catch it.
Sniper: A man appears on the screen in one of ten positions and you must press one of the number keys 1 to 0 where you think he is on screen.
Meteors: You control a craft on the top of the screen and you must move left or right through a meteor storm that moves up the screen.
Life: A program that was devised by J. H. Conway in 1970 and allows you to see a pattern come to life and hopefully grow. You place cells on a 16 x 16 grid and when you are happy with your placements you can let it come to life. Three cells adjacent to each other produces a cell, two or three neighbours, the cells survive and one or more than three cells, the cells die.
Wolfpack: You control a ship on the top of the screen left or right, and you must drop a depth charge to hit a submarine below moving across the screen right to left. You only have one depth charge per sub and when the sub reaches the edge of the screen it has escaped.
Golf: You must hit a ball into a hole at a random distance by selecting the range from 35 to 75.