
Release date: 26 Feb 2015
Platforms: Wii U
GravBlocks+ is a new and different take on the traditional match-three style puzzle game. Rather than building combos the old fashioned way, the gameplay is designed around strategic planning and changing gravity and earn Score Multipliers. However, it's not as easy as it sounds! The walls are filled with Destruction Hazards, and dropping blocks into those Hazards instantly resets the Score Multiplier. Using a Wild Block closes the Hazards making gravity changes safer, but players need to plan well for these moments! This exclusive Wii U eShop game features: Five gameplay modes with animated backgrounds! Saving high scores for Challenge and Zen modes! 80 Accomplishments, with nearly 20 unlockables! Insane alien abduction story with over 90 levels! 150 challenging puzzles! Off-TV play, left or right-handed options, and color-blind friendly!