i Modo Mo Issho (iモードもいっしょ) is a video game developed by Bomber Express and published by Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. It was released on May 24, 2001 for the PlayStation, and it is the third game and an expansion pack for Doko Demo Issyo and Koneko Mo Issho in the Doko Demo Issyo Series.
Like Koneko Mo Issho, save data for Doko Demo Issyo is required to play it. It features additional content, such as new environments and music.
It's most notable feature is its connection with the i-Mode phone service, a Japanese mobile phone service provided by DoCoMo that allowed an early form of Internet connectivity with mobile phones. Players can use an adapter to connect the phone to the Playstation console and connect to the online service, which allows players to to communicate to other players and the Pokepi, similar to the PocketStation.
It is also the last Doko Demo Issyo game to be released exclusively on the PlayStation. The online service ended on December 15th, 2002, but the offline features of the game were still available.