Zuriumak, a small town in the Irrizzary District (Capital Zone), is right in the radius of the district's large laboratory, called Zaryeth. On any given day, an unfortunate mistake happens, causing an unidentified pathogen to spread in a considerable radius, but not so alarming as to put the whole district in isolation.
Zuriumak is within that radius, so the authorities decide only to make a quarantine of 15 days, praying that people don't leave their homes. Unexpectedly, the opposite happened, and the quarantine, which was estimated to last only two weeks, was extended indefinitely.
It has now been almost 2 years since the alert was sent out. And it is not known how many people from Zuriumak have survived... One family, still trying to survive as best they can, is slowly beginning to decay into despair without realizing it. Karey, the eldest son, is still in his right mind, though he assumes not so much. He wants to do something to save his mother and sister from the horrible situation they find themselves in.
Karey doesn't know how to deal with the situation... The only people he could feel safe with have decided to break the quarantine, but since then nothing has been heard from them until today... Karey finds something on his computer, something he thought wasn't real... An old message from his best friend, Haruzi.
What will Karey do next? Will he try to leave? But he can't unless he gets the keys to the cellar door, which his mother is so careful to hide. You have two ways, Karey... None of them are good. What do you plan to do?