The basic themes are learning the alphabet, adding and subtracting, learning colors, shapes, directions of the world, the consequences of time, logical thinking and matching, and practicing memory.Prepared games include the level of kindergarten and first-class elementary school.The math of the Matołek guides a small user through the full surprises of Pacanov. The program includes 11 educational games, in three versions differing in difficulty. This allows you to adjust the level of complexity of the games to the capabilities of a small player.
The alphabet, the numbers and figures are taught by caterpillars, adding a child learns during archery competitions, directions of the world looking for treasure in the pacancan dungeons, colors in play with a great machine, perceptiveness in the Patcanian forge, from which objects are lost, while the consequences of time in the film studio of the Goat Matołek. The test of the progress in learning is fun - the path of Goat Matołek to school, where you need to demonstrate knowledge gained in other modules. The program includes many fun animations of the Matołek's Goat and his friends, fragments of films, interesting music and cheerful comments from the teacher.