First of all I want to thank you for taking the time to visit this page. And please, leave me your comments and suggestions and concerns. For me they are fundamental, so that together we can give shape to this project and improve it day by day.
Having said that, I tell you a little about this project that I have started to develop with a lot of love because it brings together my two great hobbies, 3D design and writing. This graphic novel, seeks to tell the story and adventures of Bennett and the inhabitants of the village of Nemerion and their relationships, and season them with a little sex. At the moment there are 12 characters in total, most of them appear in the first chapter and some in the following chapters. I don't want to tell you much, I would like you to discover it...
I wish to think that the novel has a balance, between History, dialogue and Sexual content, I know that it is something difficult to achieve, but I would like to be able to maintain this balance throughout the novel, and I hope that you with your comments, tell me what you think, as well as if it lacks or has more than one characteristic in particular. Although I already have a definite idea of where the novel will go and its stories, I would love to improve it together even more, 2 heads think more than 1 hahaha.
My plan at the moment is to be able to publish a chapter per month (if my current work allows it, since I mainly dedicate a little time every night, when I come back from work, and on weekends, as much as I can). Each month I will be improving aspects of the game, as well as developing in depth the personality and history of each character of the novel. Right now the bottleneck is given with the PC I work with, which does not allow me to render the images of the novel (it takes me an average time of 12 Hs each image, which makes it infeasible to do the work of rendering with my current PC), I can only do the layout of the images, thanks to the help of two Friends: Miguel and Gonzalo (thanks guys), who lent me their Pc's, remotely I do the work of rendering, and thus the whole project has begun to come to life. From now on my short term objective is to be able to change the PC in order to be able to make the rendering work faster and to be able to have a better quality in the images and videos of the novel.
As for the novel itself, I have the idea of being able to add in the lapse of the first 3 chapters:
● An inventory, which will allow Bennett's interactions with the other characters as well as with the environment itself to be expanded.
● A map of the village, and with it the possibility of moving freely through the village.
● A character card, which will collect and show all the attributes of Bennett (Sexual Orientation, exploits, memories. Etc)
● A Personal Diary of Bennett, which will show and detail our relationships with the rest of the characters in the novel
● Videos, this point depends exclusively on whether I can change my PC, but it is something that I would like to include (I already have a video layout, but for the rendering times, I am unable to create it).
And in the long run, I would like to add: Predefined Missions and Adventures that directly impact the development of Bennett's history. And to be able to launch the novel also for cell phones.
Final words: I hope with all my heart that you like this project and everyone can enjoy it as I am enjoying doing it, so I have decided that EVERYONE can enjoy this novel without paying. But I'm not going to lie to you: I also would like to be able to get some money, or at least to be able to recover the invested one, clearly I´m not trying to get rich with this project, only to be able to recover some of the money spend. Some things, like the textures of the 3D models, the storage in the cloud to render the images remotely, or the translation of the texts (I am from Argentina and English is not my native language), have a cost, and from my heart I tell you that it is worth every penny spent on this novel, but of course, it wouldn´t be bad if I can recover some of the money spent hahaha. Just say goodbye to you with a big hug and thank you for being part of this project which is so important to me. Hug