Welcome to the best auction game around. Millennium Auction pits you against a group of bidders all trying to get the best deals without buying something that has no resale value.
After picking your character, you proceed to your first auction. Take the time to examine what items will be in the auction (you can see what everything looks like and read about the items as well) and then do some research. Talk with the other bidders to see what they like or don't like.
Check the newspaper, radio, and more as you see what items might be worth something when trying to sell them later. Is it worth getting Bill Clinton's Saxophone? Will you be able to make a profit on it if you bid on it? Your research will help you make that decision.
Items available to bid on in the game include many real items such as the Mona Lisa and Starry Night paintings as well as fake items that can still be worth something in this game.