Main features of this project:
- A Lot of hacking to add new GFX details, Polishments, Timing improvements, Sound samples, New features… Master Linkuei did all this stuff with the help from Billytime!Games.
- Master Linkuei remade all the bio and ending screen using the arcade gfx as base. Including the 2 absent ending screens from Kano.
- Every graphic made by PROBE Software was completely changed or improved by Master Linkuei, Chev Chelios and Danilo Dias to look more accurate.
- New animations for the Courtyard (monks and tsung), Palace Gates (Flame), Warrior’s Shrine (Flame during Ermac fight) and Throne Room (Shang Tsung head + Shang Tsung clap).
- Added +80 sound samples from the Arcade!
- BillyTime!Games added a whole new SRAM system to save the Winning Streak name list.
- Improved gameplay removing delays and improving the whole timing.
- Option to change between original Music order or a more accurate one.
And MUCH more…