Normandy '44 is an operational level simulation of the D-Day landings and subsequent battles to move inland fighting your way off the beaches. This is a battle largely of attrition where you will slug your way through bocage to break the dead lock in one of the best know and record campaigns in history. After 4 years of German occupation, the Allied forces in England were ready to liberate France. An enormous force of infantry, armoured, airborne naval, and air forces stood poised to strike at the German beach fortifications and dense bocage of Normandy. All hopes for the liberation of France and the end of World War II would depend on the success or failure of this invasion. Will Eisenhower's plan succeed, or will Rommel's panzers throw the Allied invasion back into the sea?
Normandy '44 includes 96 Scenarios – covering all sizes and situations, including a solo tutorial scenario plus specialized versions for both head to head play and vs. the computer AI.