In Philippines ’44, as MacArthur you will command units from both the US Sixth and Eighth Armies as well as US Army Air Force and Naval air groups. The Japanese forces, led by General Yamashita, had at his disposal, three major commands, the Shobu, Shimbu and Kembu Groups. Yamashita’s command outnumbered the Allied forces but had to defend a vast territory with limited knowledge of where the Allied forces may land. All that is lacking is for you to kick off one of the largest land campaigns of the Pacific War.
Philippines ’44 is a fascinating title, focused on a rarely covered campaign. There is both a range of operations as well as diverse forces for both sides. Actions ranged from amphibious landings, airdrops (for both sides!) to a range of land actions. The environment and terrain are much more of a hinderance to action than is the case in Europe and the juncture of weather, jungle and other challenges impacts the speed of movement and play.
Philippines '44 includes 76 Scenarios – covering all sizes and situations, including a solo tutorial scenario plus specialized versions for both head to head play and vs. the computer AI.
Philippines '44 provides multiple play options including play against the computer AI, Play by E-mail (PBEM), LAN & Internet "live" play as well as two player hot seat.