Pasteman Pat

Release date: 31 Dec 1989
Pat Splatt, the best poster paster in Groove-Town, has his work cut out for him. After spending all day yesterday putting up posters he has found out that his rival, Nasty Norville has messed them up. You play as Pat as he attempts to put the posters back to normal within a time limit. Before you play the game you can select which level to play from a choice of 12. These are split into three groups which are Kids Stuff, Smart Alec and Mensa Only and each level is harder than the last one but with a higher time limit. The first poster is just a grid of 2x2 while the last poster is 8x8 and when one is completed you see a tick beside the level you have completed. You can attempt any level at any time and if you fail one then you can attempt it again later. The game is viewed from behind Pat on his ladder with a small part of the poster shown and the screen scrolls when you move Pat in multiple directions. With your brush you slide the pieces of the poster by a full row or a full column so forward planning is required. In the bottom right corner is a sign for the toilet and if you press down you can see what the poster should look like, a press of the fire button shows the poster with the grid on it and finally another press of the fire button and you see what the poster is looking like at that moment. As you move the pieces around the screen you have to avoid missiles being thrown at you by Norville's henchmen and if you are hit by one you lose one of five lives. Failing to complete the level within the time limit and you fail the level and back to the level select screen. Also seen on the screen is a percentage of how much of the poster is completed.