Power Lords: Quest for Volcan

Release date: TBD
Power Lords: Quest for Volcan
Platforms: Atari 2600
'Adam, Leader of the Lords, and Shaya, Queen of Power, are extra-terrestrial warriors who battle deadly aliens on the mystical Volcan Rock. Using lasers to fight the alien space serpent, the Power Lords can gain entry into the rock and search its endless chambers for the glowing touchstone that activates powerful anti-alien weapons and devices.' Power Lords was based on the 1983 toy line of the same name. North American Phillips (NAP) must have thought that it was going to be a huge hit, because games were developed for the Atari 2600, Colecovision and Odyssey 2. Of these games only the Odyssey 2 version was released and is considered to be the rarest US released game for the system. All three versions play similarly, but the Atari 2600 and Colecovision versions have an additional stage which makes the game slightly more interesting. Like the other versions, the 2600 version of Power Lords is not all that fun to play and the overall difficulty of the game is also rather high. Had Power Lords been released, it probably would have ended up in the bargain bin faster than the action figures did.