Retro City Rampage

Release date: 09 Oct 2012
Retro City Rampage is a downloadable action-adventure video game for WiiWare, Xbox Live Arcade, PlayStation Network and Microsoft Windows developed by Vblank Entertainment. It is a parody of retro games and '80s and '90s pop culture, as well as Grand Theft Auto and similar games. It was released on October 9, 2012, for PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita, Microsoft Windows; on January 2, 2013, for Xbox Live Arcade; and on February 28, 2013, for WiiWare. Retro City Rampage was the last original game released for the WiiWare service globally until Deer Drive Legends was ported to the service the following November.
non-player charactergame referencefrogtime travelone-man armyfake in-game advertisingshoppingunlockablesrobberycameo appearanceburningguided by radioin-game achievementsdancingdogcover systemrobotsdeathliberationmotorcycleoriginal soundtrack releaseyear xself-referential humorpolice chaseplaystation tv supporthelicoptersingle-player onlyaction-adventurecustomizable charactersbreaking the fourth wallbroken englishplaystation trophiesplaystation pluscross-savesideways wii remote gameplayfully customizable controlsxbox livenotoriety systemminigamessleepingcampaignsteam achievementsanaglyph 3dmonster truckskippable gameplayanthropomorphismcarjackingpax prime 2010tankauto-aim1980santi-herovehicle customizationbow and arrowkonami codemeleecheat codemovie referencepop culture referencesteamunderwater gameplayescaping imprisonmente3 2012theftcountdown timermurderuseable vehiclespax prime 2011ps3 & vita cross-playcompletion percentagemale protagonistwii classic controller supportswimmingpixel artside questssneaking missionhand-to-hand combattime limitachievementsnew nintendo 3ds enhancedmultiple protagonistsdeveloped by one personvideo game characters that play video gamesexplosioncrocodilesteam trading cardsretrosteam leaderboardsstat trackingin-game radiopunctuation mark above headcga graphicsinternet culture referencecollectiblesmultiple gameplay perspectivesdisorientationwater levelninjaparodyflashbackcross buybirdsurveillance cameratime machineboss fightguitar playingcrimecorpsedeveloper cameopax prime 2012hackingdigital distributionarcade cabinetxbox controller support for pcdeliberately retromotion controlvending machine interactionin-game achievement menupax prime 2013suggestive themesthe 1980splaystation networkgamecube controller support on wii