Room 54 is a first-person Horror/adventure Videogame for pc,mac and linux users. the game is currently under development by our small team passionate about games since younger age,we have years of exprerience in game development business but we decide to unify our passion and individual skill to create something more original,we care a lot about this project because his concept comes directly from the creative minds of our team.
ARMED AND UNARMED: during the gameplay you will be armed and unarmed depends on what you can find in different locations.
INTERACTIONS: Use objects to interacts, solve enigma and puzzles to unlock new areas
CHALLENGING GAMEPLAY: Your enemy will not surrender easily, play with a competitive and smart AI with untipical and original weapons.
explore terrifying building and places with an advanced graphics achivied with the powerfull of CryEngine 5.
Follow the intriguing story discovering mysteries and using your intelligence examinating objects and ancient artifacts.
use of high quality assets and soundbanks created with Wwise assure a total immersive gameplay.