Episode 2 of an epic 5 game saga.
After facing a pillaging primate from outer space in the series premiere, Sam & Max cross paths with even stranger characters in this episode -- their own great-grandparents!
In Episode 2 of the series, our heroes cross paths with an even more bizarre and dangerous pair of characters—their own great-grandparents! Join these characters as they embark on their trippiest trip yet, leapfrogging across ten decades and possibly as many continents (we haven’t counted) in search of the mysterious force that’s causing all the trouble.
Where did it come from? Why is it triggering Max's latent psychic powers? Why is it desired by everyone aboard the Disorient Express? And what, exactly, is the Secret of the Sphunx?
* Episode 1: The Penal Zone
* Episode 2: The Tomb of Sammun-Mak
* Episode 3: They Stole Max's Brain!
* Episode 4: Beyond the Alley of the Dolls
* Episode 5: The City That Dares Not Sleep - Finale