Scribbly Walrus

Developed by Michaela Joffe
Release date: 13 Oct 2014
Enjoy the fun of being a walrus! * Use your tusk and whiskers to find hidden shellfish * Swim with a beluga * Rest on an ice floe Did you know walruses are in trouble? Man made climate change has led to a huge decrease in arctic sea ice. Walruses don't have a lot of stamina, and need to rest on those ice floes in between foraging. Without ice to rest on, they have no choice but to flee inland, resulting in 35,000 walruses rushing the coast of Alaska all at once. Walruses aren't the only marine mammal in trouble. As of this moment there are only 97 vaquita porpoises left in the world. Vaquita are the world's smallest porpoise, and their numbers are plunging due to unregulated gill-net fishing and demand for the shrimp and fish that share their habitat.