Welcome to the world of railway signaling! SimSig brings the signal box to your home PC and with it the enjoyment and frustrations of running today's (and some of yesterday's) railways. How often has your train been delayed because of "signal failure" and you've wondered why trains can't be routed around the problem - or why it is even a problem in the first place? You'll soon see exactly why - with SimSig!
SimSig is a simulation of a type of signal box used in the UK known as an Integrated Electronic Control Centre or IECC . First-hand railway experience along with the valuable input of others in the industry have helped to make this the most realistic signaling simulation available in the UK today. The ultimate test of this realism came when Railtrack trialed a version of SimSig for the Swindon B IECC. They were very happy with it, not having had a proper simulator for IECCs before which enabled them to assess and train signalers. While the Railtrack version of SimSig now has more features at their request, the underlying core and data are the same. Hence what you see is almost identical to what real signalers are being trained on and what they use every day!
SimSig puts you in the seat of a signaler, also called a Dispatcher or Network Control Officer, operating signaling screens based on the widely used IECC and Westcad graphics used in the UK. That is, you operate the signals and points/switches in order to get trains to their destinations on time. SimSig has a wide range of areas you can operate including large portions of the UK, a small US simulation, and a couple of Australian areas. Each has its own challenges and skill level, the latter ranging from easy to mentally complicated.