​Sonic Robo Blast 2: Official Level Design Collab 2022 - Round 2

Developed by Sonic Team Junior
Release date: 21 Jan 2023
The Official Level Design Collab (formally Official Level Design Contest) is a collection of levels from the SRB2 community. Contributions: - Auburn Heights Zone, Act 1 - Cool Cat - Seaside Coast Zone - M/C Industries - Speed Highway Zone - LucasLixoso - Lost Fortress Zone, Act 1 - EAJS - Egg TV Network - Rogerregorroger - Poison Temple Z Zone - Zaxel Katsugyo - Greens Hill Zone - RoyKirbs - Creepy Crypt - Vixuzen - Crash Coarse Zone, Act 1 - Voidy2246 - Shiverside Chasm - M/C Industries Capture-the-Flag: - Firmir Nexus Zone - Chuckles troll - Desolate CTF Zone - CG64 Match/Tag:​ - Cloistered Woods Zone - Blast98 Circuit​: - Gambit Valley Zone - JABSphere94 Battle Capture-the-Flag: - Sunset Park Zone, Act 1 - PeneBoi