Welcome to Round 2 of the 2021 SRB2 Official Level Design Contest, a computation fan-created maps for Sonic Robo Blast 2. This one was quite fun to put together.
Thanks to all our contestants! Have fun!
Single Player:
Blue Glacier Zone - BronsoKip
Botanic Space Zone, Act 2 - DeltaSanic
Bricked Busted Zone - Mikhael Blur
Caustic Crater Zone - Seaballer
Follow Your Rainbow - Rogerregorroger
Command Facility Zone - Twins'R'Okay
Digital Deluche Zone - RoyKirbs
Frozen Fissure Zone - Garrean
Grass Planet Zone - Voidy2246
Invasion Zone - JABSphere94
Iron Dominion Zone - MK.exe
Junkyard Jeopardy Zone - PhilJFou /// ChaRG
Lofty Woods Zone - Vixuzen
Lucid Landscape Zone - Othius
Rhyolite Ruin Zone - Radicalicious
Nimbus Lake Zone - Yyeellooww7
Pineapple Prairie Zone - SupaCustardbro
Powder Park Zone - DakotaSpine
Something Zone - Marcos
Sunset Summit Zone - Entropy
The Twins Palace Zone - Zaxel Katsugyo
Marble Acropolis Zone - Diegão
Yeehaw Village Zone - Voidy2246
Boiling Crater Zone - PhilJFou /// ChaRG
Colorful Towers Zone Mikhael Blur
Yet Another CEZ2 Knockoff - Othius
Battle Arena:
Misty Gardens Zone - InferNOr
Radiant Forest Zone - Radsla