Strip Off is a homebrew Atari 2600 game developed by John Reder / Tactical Neuronics. It was given a limited cartridge release by Good Deal Games. Strip Off was later included on the Atari Flashback series of plug-and-play consoles, starting with the Atari Flashback 5 in 2014, and most recently on the Atari Flashback 9 Gold in 2018.
Strip Off is inspired by the vector arcade game Rip Off, but the gameplay itself is more comparable to other fixed shooters of the Atari 2600 era. The player controls a laser cannon that moves horizontally along the bottom of the screen. The goal is to earn points by defending a cluster of blocks located at the top of the screen from enemy spaceships that pick them up. As play continues, the spaceships move faster, until there are no blocks left and the game ends.