The pawn has to climb down into an underground dungeon and search for a sword between the fifteenth and twentieth level. He shall hand over this "Sword of Fargoal" to the blind knight Gedwyn, so he can fight the devilish Umla.
As soon as the player has found the sword in the depths of the dungeon, there are about 30 minutes left to take it out. If it gets lost on the way he must return to the level where he found it.
Same as in other fantasy role games, the player improves his abilities by collecting experience points. As soon as he has reached 200 experience points, the player goes up one level and his resistance against wounds is raised. The next stage is at 400, the third at 800 and so on (each twice the experience points).
The treasures contained in every level can be swapped against experience points in the temple that belongs to every stage.