I found some interesting info while raiding Monsegur's palace in Stonemarket.
His ledger seemed to indicate the location of a very curious trinket stashed
somewhere in a place called the Dark Hollow, itself located in Fidgewick's Hollow,
a subdistrict of Downtowne. From what I've managed to gather by pushing my network
of associates, the Dark Hollow is apparently some sort of very high-class brothel,
and its exact location is very well hidden. Even Cutty doesn't know where it is
exactly, and the man knows every place in The City. Looks like I'll have to do my
own scouting. I'm pretty certain I'll find eager pockets ripe for picking inside
the brothel, and if I can't manage that, there is always the neighborhood.
The streets are cold and snow has fallen quite hard these past few days, so I don't
think I'll find many people outside, though the local watchdogs are on the prowl for
these Downwinder amateurs. I doubt they'd appreciate a sneak such as me wandering the
streets and the cold rooftops, so I have to find that brothel quickly. I also doubt
the guards will let me through uninvited so I better find a discreet way inside as well,
and keep a low profile. I have no idea what I’ll find inside but I bet the place will
be crowded and on high security... Let's just hope this chalice is worth it.