Hack n Slash platformer? a bit of an Adventure, mixed with a "complex" fighting style? Then this might be the game you're looking for.
The Legend of Knight Templar is a 2D Action Platformer, where you control a mysterious armored warrior, unleashing devastating moves and also able to manipulate elemental magic later on.
The game offers different playstyles, from basic Hack n Slash, stealth, ability "spam", ranged/magic, or even better to never make things boring, mix the use of all of them.
They're all balanced and it's all about being creative on your combos!
Secret items and chests to find, gold and combat points grind will be needed to make your life easier.
Failing too much? Step inside the Training Room from the main menu and improve your combat performance without any costs!
Exploration and a good combat performance is the key to succeed.
Rushing through is not a good idea.
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