Therefore is a point & click adventure game with a pixel-art open world, a vivid realm where time flows and weather changes, with living fauna and flora, a world that refuses to die.
* Surreal characters and environments. Freedom to explore and take different paths and choices. Use "The Memento Mori" to reset the day and try again, without losing your items thanks to the use of the "Eternal Vaults".
* A universe based on Plato's Theory of Forms, where reality is made from ideas (essences).
* Sound and music are an essential part of the core mechanics. Lots of musical puzzles and symbolism, where poetry and riddles are a constant.
* Item crafting mechanics thanks to the "Essences Forge": Extract essences from environmental elements and NPC around you and use them to create special items.
* Plot and dialogues with different levels of depth and meaning.